A good pavlovla is a dessert to behold. The pavlova should be fluffy and marshmallowy in the middle, with an airy crispy shell that melts as soon as it hits your mouth. What you top it with is up to you. I won’t really go into the traditional toppings blah blah blah.. Who really cares? What matters is that you enjoy it.

This recipe is my favorite go to dessert whenever I want to serve a crowd. I love how the bitter licorice contrast the sweetness of the meringue and how the acidity from the passionfruit adds freshness and balances the dessert. It’s a gorgeous flavor kombination.


For pavolovas and meringues, I almost always use the French method (cold mix) and always count double the amount of granulated sugar to the egg whites. I use eggwhites that are slightly dehydrated that I leave outide overnight covered with plastic, in which I poke a few holes to allow some of the moistures from the egg whites to dissipate. Whatever you do, the egg whiges should be at room temperature.

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